Sunday, 6 October 2013

Explaining the HPMemes hiatus

You might have noticed the lack of tweets from my @HPMemes twitter account and I feel like I owe you all an explanation. This will be personal so you can of course stop reading if you don't care. No worries. ;)

First of all, I might just regret putting this up within the next 5 minutes, but I'm going to publish it. Yes. I will. *gets nervous*

Secondly, it's not that I stopped liking Harry Potter or anything like that. I don't think one can leave something as important as this book series is to me behind. 

Well, the explanation. There are multiple reasons for my absence:

I don't think I was a "twitter addict", but the truth is that I was fixated on it, I checked it constantly and it was wearing me out. And I have to admit it, twitter is a big distraction when it comes to school work. 

The most important reason is that my own problems, life and school work are more important to me than twitter. There's lots of drama on Twitter, and when you have enough problems of your own this can be quite.. overwhelming. I've been dealing with some things for a while and I've come to realise that the only way for me to fix this, is by working on it. 
Some accounts can be a giant set back or "trigger". Reading everyone else's problems when you can't even deal with your own isn't very helpful either. That's mainly the reason why I left Twitter. This sounds exceptionally selfish of me and it kind of is. At this moment I'm choosing to be selfish for my own sake. ("I am selfish. I am brave.") This sounds more dramatic than it is. Whatever. 

I assume no one really missed me, but hey, for those who read this or did notice me being gone. You got your explanation! [Don't hate me]

I'm not deleting this account because I will be back. Not now, not soon, but you can count on it. (And come on, with the Fantastic Beast film around I will have to talk about it, duhh) 

Potterheads, you're an amazing group of people. I've honestly never met kinder, crazier and funnier people online. Socialising with you is great, and it's not in real life which is a big +. 

I might get someone to tweet for me: I'll tell you when/if that happens. I'll still check my mentions once in a while so if you want to say something: please do! 

Stay magical.

Nox, Potterheads!
